The Best Alternative to WTFast. We have seen the battle and rage against ping and lag issues faced by the community. Some requested for more servers In their region while others still struggle due to their poor ISP infrastructure that exists in their country.

14/01/2015 · I am an expat here in Malaysia originally and just purchased this Xps15 7590. since I am here in Malaysias I needed some tool to allow me to connect to PH server so I have installed Wtfast. For some strange reason whenever I launch a game after a few seconds the game will disconnect and wtfast suddenly stops. I have raised this to customer support and they ended up telling me that it seems 04/09/2015 · Just so you know, this was NOT a paid review. This was all out of my own interest/time to show you guys whether the hate is justified. Testing on OCE without WTFast 01:30 Testing on OCE with 06/03/2014 · Salut, j'avais déjà fait un topic j'ai un ping horrible depuis quelques mois, et ces dernieères semaines de pire en pire. Là sur ma dernière game c'était 300ms. J'ai absolument rien d'ouvert wtfast isn't snake oil, you don't understand what it does, what it's for, or how it works, just like most of the people that express the same ignorant senitment. and really, it's not your fault, it's wtfast's fault for failing to properly advertise their product. i'm not going to deny that from everything i've heard of their customer support that it's shady and often downright fucked but WTFast is here to help you get rid of pesky online gaming problems and bid farewell to Fortnite lag, PUBG lag, Dota 2 lag, CSGO lag, LOL lag and hundred of other games. WTFast is here to help you get rid of pesky online gaming problems and bid farewell to Fortnite lag, PUBG lag, Dota 2 lag, CSGO lag, LOL lag and hundred of other games.


WTFast est connu pour être un scam qui fait des fake reviews avec de Donc oui, WTFast fonctionne, en tout cas en partie, pour les gens qui 

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Yo, récemment j'ai entendu parlé d'un logiciel nommé WTFast qui permet de baisser ton ping sur les jeux vidéo comme League of Legend. J'aimerai savoir si ce logiciel est fiable car je vois sur d'autre forum que le logiciel marche quand il veut je dirai. Et que à cause de ce logiciel d'autres jeux vidéo ne marche plus ou qu'il n'arrive plus à se connecter aux serveurs. J'aimerai avoir