
12/01/2018 19/01/2018 18/08/2017 04/10/2016 05/12/2015

13/03/2020 · Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users. Contribute to Sonarr/Sonarr development by creating an account on GitHub.


What is Reddit? In this guide, we will walk you through the terminology, perks, and how to navigate the various communities of the popular social media site. If you spend a lot of time online, chances are you’ve heard of Reddit. The site bills itself as the “front page of the internet,” and that’s n

As sonarr works the same conceptually regardless of the OS you run it on, it’s worth reading the wiki on github of best practices so you get an understanding of it before getting into private indexers etc. Reddit can also be a good resource for both information on how to utilize it as well as invites for indexers etc. best of luck 20/03/2017 · Sonarr is a great tool to download and manage your TV Shows. https://sonarr.tv/ Earlier it was called NZBDrone and it had a great support for NZBs. Now it also has a very good support for torrents. But unfortunately it has very few public indexers by default. So to get the best possible free public indexers you can use another tool called Jackett. 我也是最近才了解这块的,一直不明白tag的具体作用,官方文档也没写清楚,今天摸鱼的时候,搜了一下sonarr的Release Profiles,结果一下就找到答案了,瞬间豁然开朗,有种融会贯通的感觉. reddit的一篇帖子,详细的说明了Release Profiles的作用,顺带阐明了tag的作用 At the moment v3 is considered an alpha, expect some issues, though in our testing there hasn’t been anything major. We will need help gathering logs and troubleshooting for issues, if that’s not for you, please wait for a future release. What’s New There is a ton of new stuff, see here for a mostly complete list of what has been closed in the v3 work. Some highlights: Uses .net 4.6.1 I’m surprised the reddit post I followed doesn’t get in to any of this. I had already removed the mappings based on Thirran’s advice. I admit that it didn’t make much sense to have it, but think I was flailing at possible solutions. I’m new to Sonarr and Synology, and I’ve only got some basic Docker experience. Sonarr Web UI unresponsive (as in I can't load the Web UI) but application is still performing tasks. Help & Support. 2: July 25, 2020 macOS Catalina 10.15.6. Help & Support . 2: July 24, 2020 Sonarr unable to copy while torrent is seeding. Help & Support